
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
The Invisible Rainbow with guest Arthur Firstenberg | Episode 24
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Welcome to episode 24 of The We Know Show where we delve into the fascinating and often controversial world of electromagnetic radiation and its impacts on our health and environment. Today, we have a very special guest, Arthur Firstenberg. Arthur is a scientist, journalist, and author renowned for his pioneering work on the health and environmental impacts of electromagnetic radiation. A graduate of Cornell University and the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Arthur's career path took a significant turn due to an X-ray overdose injury. For the past 38 years, he has dedicated himself to researching, consulting, and lecturing on the effects of electromagnetic radiation.
Arthur is also the author of the groundbreaking book "The Invisible Rainbow," which has sold over 100,000 copies. The book traces the history of electricity from the early 1700s to the present, making a compelling case that many of today's environmental problems and major diseases are linked to electrical pollution. His work challenges us to reconsider the invisible forces that pervade our our planet and its inhabitants and their implications for our future and compels us to question long-held beliefs about the safety of electricity and to advocate for greater awareness and policy changes.
With approximately 400 million electrosensitive individuals globally, Arthur calls for a unification to raise awareness and challenge the pervasive presence of wireless technology. From his early health struggles following the 2G rollout to founding the Cellular Phone Task Force, Arthur has dedicated over four decades to studying electromagnetic fields and advocating for changes in public health policies.
In this episode, we explore the extensive body of research—over 42,000 studies—that underpin his concerns and the imperative to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, the relationship between modern diseases and electromagnetic pollution, and the often ignored biological harm caused by wireless radiation. Arthur also touches on the socio-emotional toll of our tech-saturated lives, emphasising the need for individual and collective action to protect our well-being and the environment.
Join us as we unpack these crucial issues, question the impact of our technological advancements, and rally for a future less burdened by radiation. Don't miss this compelling conversation with Arthur Firstenberg, author of "The Invisible Rainbow," as we push the boundaries of understanding and advocacy.
We hope you find this discussion as eye-opening as we did.
Show notes:
02:15 X-ray overdose injury shapes Arthur's career path
11:00 The link between EMFs and diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
17:45 Link between influenza symptoms and electromagnetic environment changes
20:15 The body electric and earth's electric field: western medicine's oversight
26:25 Medical School Library Shock: hidden EMF dangers in literature
27:30 Allan Frey pioneering research on EMF's effects on the blood-brain barrier
31:15 EMF's Impact on Bees and Ants: the broader environmental impacts
35:00 Vatican's radiation poisoning admission and its consequences
36:42 Wireless technology regulations based on fictional harm
40:00 Understanding pulsations and its impact on health
42:00 Global Radiation Emergency coalition tries to raise awareness
44:30 Mobile Phone Safety testing: We Are Not SAM
46:00 Electromagnetic radiation heating DNA up to 60 degrees
48:10 Mental Health and Addiction: Radiation effects masked as mental health issues
49:45 What happens when you disconnect from mobile devices?
56:30 Community Action: Need for collective action against EMF proliferation
57:00 Worldwide: 400 million people are electrosensitive
58:50 Arthur's near-fatal exposure to 2G
59:40 There’s 42,000 studies on EMF effects, and no policy change?
1:03:25 Impact of satellites on the environment
1:06:30 Technology, disconnection, discomfort, and creating change
1:08:30 Where there's life, there is hope
Snippets from the interview:
The Overlooked Electric Field Around Us
Why Medical Schools avoid the research on EMFs
Mobile Phones Are Heating Our DNA by 60°
To watch We Are Not SAM – the film go to: wearenotsam.com/thefilm
To follow and find out more about Arthur's work, visit:
Cell Phone Task Force. If you would like to get involved, email info@cellphonetaskforce.org.
You can also visit Radiation Emergency for more information.
Additionally, you can order Arthur's ground-breaking book, "The Invisible Rainbow", to delve deeper into the history and impacts of electricity on our world.
Thank you for listening, and we'll see you next time on The We Know Show.

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Dayna Martin is an advocate, speaker, educator, and author of three books about parenting and homeschooling. Dayna been featured on The Dr. Phil Show, CNN, Nightline, The Jeff Probst Show, ABC’s hit show, Wife Swap, Fox News, 60 Minutes and the Bethenny Show.She was used as an informational resource for Homeschooling stories on the Discovery Channel, The Today Show and Our America on the OWN Network and the Oprah Winfrey Show. She travels the world helping families change their lives by changing their parenting paradigm to bring more peace and connection to their lives with their children. Dayna and is a featured speaker at the major parenting and education conferences worldwide. Dayna has been inspiring parents for almost two decades by sharing her experience through natural birth, attachment parenting and Unschooling. She loves travelling world over helping families change their lives by changing their parenting paradigm and bringing more peace and connection to their lives with their children.
In this thought-provoking episode, Dayna Martin shares her journey of advocating for unschooling. She highlights the importance of listening to her children over societal norms.
Through exploring the unschooling philosophy, she distinguishes between authoritarian parenting, which models power rules, and partnership parenting, where everyone's needs matter. Dayna believes that partnership parenting is the model for a peaceful world. She also sheds light on how traditional schooling was created and how parents were forced at gunpoint to attend compulsory education in America. This leads to an insightful discussion on what an unschooling day looks like and the role of technology in unschooling. Dayna makes a compelling argument that controlling technology is what causes negative behavior, not the technology itself and why we need to connect with our children through their interests without control or limits?
Finally, we learn about the conditioning – learning to trust children and to start trusting yourself again. Dayna's son became a blacksmith because he was allowed to play with fire, highlighting the power of unschooling in allowing children to follow their passions and discover their own path in life.
We explore questions such as whether we have given up our right to spend time with our children due to the public school system, and why you’re considered a radical and rebel for trusting your kids. Through discussing the pandemic's impact on unschooled children and the benefits of deschooling, we discover how unschooling is not just an educational approach but a way of life that facilitates a child-led learning experience. Other topics tackled in this episode include obstacles parents face when leaning into unschooling, the unhealthy relationships created by the current schooling system, and whether working mothers can create a safe space for unschooling. Ultimately, we are left with the question of whether we are raising our children to be who they truly are or who we want them to be.
Show notes
4.40 – Why do we listen to society instead of our own children?
6:20 – How advocating for unschooling lead to a shift from ridicule to acceptance, and what can we learn from Dayna’s experience?
9.07 – The impact of introducing unschooling on a mainstream TV show like ‘Dr Phil and 'Wife Swap'
14:11 – The underlying philosophy of unschooling and how it differs from traditional schooling
15:10 – Is authoritarian parenting a lazy form of parenting? How can partnership parenting be a model for world peace?
17:20 – What does unschooling actually entail, and how does it differ from un-educating or forced learning?
19:33 – Why were schools created in the first place, and what do critics of unschooling often overlook?
20:00 – How have parents historically resisted compulsory education, and why were they sometimes forced to attend at gunpoint?"
21:35 – A glimpse into a typical day of unschooling
26:30 – The role technology plays in unschooling, and how can we connect with our children through their interests without control or limits?
30:40 – Learning to trust our children and ourselves when it comes to unschooling, and how can we overcome conditioning that tells us otherwise.
34:00 – What can we learn from Dayna's son, who became a blacksmith simply because he was allowed to play with fire and follow his passion
35:50 – Public school permissions: Have we given up our right to spend time with our children?
37:45 - Parents who homeschool their kids in China are deemed criminals
39:15 – Why you’re considered a radical and rebel for trusting your kids?
40:00 - When the pandemic hit, unschooled kids were seemingly invincible. Why?
48:00 - Are you stuck on seeing things only through a "schooly" lens?
48:40 - Who benefits the most from deschooling? The children or the parents?
49:20 - How long it takes to decondition a child after being in school: one month for every year in school.
51:11 - Unschooling isn't just how you educate your child; it's a way of life. Parents facilitate, but the child leads the way.
52:00 - Some of the biggest obstacles parents face when leaning into unschooling
54:45 - Is our current schooling system creating unhealthy relationships within our children?
58:00 - Did you know that many unschoolers go on to attend major colleges by choice and self-motivation?
1:02:40 - Can working mothers create a safe space for unschooling?
1:10:40 - Are you raising your child to be who they truly are, or who you want them to be?
Snippets of this interview:
Origin of Compulsory Schooling
Navigating Yes and No with Your Child
To follow and find out more about
Instagram @officaldaynamartin
The We Know Show Affiliate Offers
Orgone Effects Australia
For the last 15 years, founder of We Are Not SAM and The We Know Show host, Rinat Strahlhofer has been using Orgone Effects Australia https://orgoneffectsaustralia.com.au/?ref=WANS and has experienced and seen incredible results. She recommends and trusts these products implicitly. For those in America go to https://orgoneeffects.com/?ref=WANS10US
“The most efficient way to neutralize the harmful effects of EMS (Electromagnetic Stress) in the human meridian system is to employ EMF Harmonizing solutions”
– Gerard Bini (Founder of Orgone Effects)
How do the products work?
Orgone Effects EMF Harmonizing Solutions help to produce a negative charge resonance, this helps to balance your frequency so that it is as close to nature as possible. Having the correct negative charge frequencies is vitally important in balancing out the positive charge resonance from any surrounding electromagnetic fields in order to neutralise any harmful electromagnetic stress on the human body and the meridian system.
You can learn more about their products and purchase here.
We’re very happy to be able to provide a special discount for our WANS audience. Get 10% off the entire Orgone Effects Australia range using discount code WANS 10 (AUS) and WANS10US (US).
By using our links you’ll be supporting our show, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you.
For more info on how to stay safe and human in a technology-obsessed world, check out We Are Not SAM and join up to the mailing list for special offers.
Join the conversation @wearenotsam on Instagram & Telegram. Thank you for tuning in. To help spread this content, please rate, subscribe and share!

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Override your programming with guest David Icke | Episode 22
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
You can only unplug from the matrix if you know you’re in it. Join us as we speak to David Icke as he reveals the nature of the reality that we have been taught to believe is truth, through a lifetime of deep programming. For the past 30 years, he has been compiling information across a vast range of subjects and connecting them in ways that offers us a clearer picture of our reality. By connecting the dots between major world events, he provides us with a context to better understand the simulated reality that we have been living in. Learn how we have been led to believe in this illusion, and the ways we can shift our perceptions to finally be free from this control.
Expanding on decades of resilience, David keeps it real saying two things help him to avoid bowing to authority: having infinite awareness and being a stubborn bastard. David asks hard-hitting questions like whether you are free or living within the parameters of what you think is acceptable to other people? David boldly takes us on a journey to remind us to interact with the world on our terms not the terms of the matrix simulation and why the only way to override the programming is to become conscious beyond the limits of the simulation thus influencing the program. David doesn’t hold back when speaking about the WOKE agenda and how this is controlling perception via political correctness. What’s more is David’s predictions over the coming years, including Silicon Valley connecting the human brain to AI, the preview of Hunger Games 15 min cities, reincarnation and more. We also celebrate alternative media and the rise of individual sovereignty. Take a deep breathe, hold on to your seat and enjoy the ride with David Icke.
Show notes
2:20 – David’s attitude that won’t bow to authority? Having an infinite state of awareness and being a stubborn bastard
3:00 – Fear of public speaking stems from a fear of what other people think
5:00 – Are you free or living within the parameters of what you think is acceptable to other people?
6:30 – George Orwell’s Newspeak: How WOKE agenda is controlling perception via political correctness
12:30 – The next few years: an attempt to crush those that are waking up by those that are fast asleep
14:30 – The risks of identifying the “I” with the body
17:00 – Ridiculed on the streets to now being asked to comment on what’s going on
18:30 – Living here is a simulation created to keep you with your headset on, awakening is taking the headset off and recognising what the headset is not telling you?
20:40 – How to override the programming and become conscious beyond the limits of the simulation
21:25 – No-one is “awake”, we are simply awakening to more consciousness and insight
24:00 – The real reason Silicon Valley is connecting the human brain to AI
26:00 – Are our perceptions being controlled by a mass race of computer beings via jabs connected to 5G towers and the AI cloud?
28:50 – 15 min cities and electric cars to protect the planet, pa-lease!
36:00 – David’s thoughts on Elon Musk and Twitter
39:00 – Reincarnation: a road to enlightenment or enslavement?
42:30 – The more you self-identify with the 5 senses rather than consciousness, the stronger your attachment to the matrix
46:20 – Celebrating alternative media: it has been responsible for an enormous amount of lives saved
Snippets of this interview:
WOKE agenda is attempting to control perception
You can only unplug from the matrix if you know you’re in it
To follow and find out more about David Icke’s work, please visit:
The We Know Show Affiliate Offers
Orgone Effects Australia
For the last 15 years, founder of We Are Not SAM and The We Know Show host, Rinat Strahlhofer has been using Orgone Effects Australia https://orgoneffectsaustralia.com.au/?ref=WANS and has experienced and seen incredible results. She recommends and trusts these products implicitly.
“The most efficient way to neutralize the harmful effects of EMS (Electromagnetic Stress) in the human meridian system is to employ EMF Harmonizing solutions”
– Gerard Bini (Founder of Orgone Effects)
How do the products work?
Orgone Effects EMF Harmonizing Solutions help to produce a negative charge resonance, this helps to balance your frequency so that it is as close to nature as possible. Having the correct negative charge frequencies is vitally important in balancing out the positive charge resonance from any surrounding electromagnetic fields in order to neutralise any harmful electromagnetic stress on the human body and the meridian system.
You can learn more about their products and purchase here.
We’re very happy to be able to provide a special discount for our WANS audience. Get 10% off the entire Orgone Effects Australia range using discount code WANS10.
By using our links you’ll be supporting our show, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you.
For more info on how to stay safe and human in a technology-obsessed world, check out We Are Not SAM and join up to the mailing list for special offers.
Join the conversation @wearenotsam on Instagram & Telegram. Thank you for tuning in. To help spread this content, please rate, subscribe and share!

Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
In January 2003, Vincent Tolman was found dead in the bathroom of a small restaurant. He had been dead for over half an hour. When paramedics arrived, they put him in a body bag and took him away. A rookie paramedic had a feeling to risk his career, break all protocols, and try to resuscitate Vinney. Miraculously, he restarted Vinney’s heart, and Vinney was in a coma for three days. Vinney remembers what happened on the “other side” while he was dead, and he’s here to share his experience.
Get ready to hear this incredible story of how Vinney died, the lessons he learned, his visit to heaven, and how his experience has affected his life since then. You’re about to hear a rare view of what awaits us all when our time on Earth is done, and how to make the most of the time we have while still here. Join us as we explore life on earth as a classroom, not a courtroom, the principles of Authenticity required to grow and embody love, how technology capture our energy, the sacredness of our hour of power in the day. Prepare to be in awe, reverence and cheer as Vinney talks about our Spirit Guides. Vinney’s call to action is a big one: the Earth is waking up and if we don’t wake up and synchronize with Earth our presence won’t be needed anymore. You will laugh, you will cry and you will feel a sense of heaven, it’s hard not to get emotional listening to this as we hear the love that is here for us and beyond.
Show Notes:
1:45 – Witnessing your own death and the miracle of coming back to life
7:25 – Life is a classroom not a courtroom: whole reason we’re here is to learn to make choices and master creation
8:30 – 3-day trip from Earth to Heaven with his guide Drake: a process of raising your frequencies
10:25 – Principle #1 Authenticity: until we can be authentic, we can’t grow or embody love
13:20 – Energy Vampires vs Energy Amplifiers
14:10 – Hour of Power: what we do 30 mins before bed + 30 mins after we wake up is what we’re worshiping.
17:05 – We are divine energy: Staring at technology captures your energy + blocks your ability to view miracles.
18:15 – People who choose to merge with technology will have no growth physically or spiritually
22:05 – We all have Spirit guides and Angels oversee the guides
26:35 – Those who steer away from the darkness of merging with technology will maintain the light on earth.
27:00 – The earth is waking up, if we don’t wake up and synchronize with Earth our presence won’t be needed anymore.
43:28 – Spoiler Alert: Evil does not go to Hell.
45:20 – Heaven looked like a planet, million times bigger than earth
47:00 – There are “pearly gates” that surround heaven, decompression pods to get rid of negative victim energy before entering
1:00.00 – Heaven’s university
1:08.00 – A single blade of grass on Heaven embodies so much love it cleanses our pain
1:14.00 – A brother’s loving prayer and the journey back to the body, from experiencing expansiveness to the claustrophobic feeling a restricted body.
1:24.00 – Uncovering more about Vinney’s guide Drake – get your tissues ready!
1:42:00 – How do we navigate ourselves towards a life that is truly lived?
Snippet from the interview:
Hour of Power: what we do 30 mins before bed + 30 mins after we wake up is what we’re worshiping
Life isn’t going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it
To follow and find out more about Vinney Tolman’s work, please visit:
Join the conversation:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearenotsam
Telegram: https://t.me/wearenotsam
Where to subscribe to this podcast:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@theweknowshow
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-768103
Podbean: https://weknowshow.podbean.com
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-we-know-show/id1577659420?at=1l3vwYf
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4O8dqc1oZZ0qmXSi3tFVb1
Google+ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3dla25vd3Nob3cvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=
For more info on how to stay human in a technology-obsessed world, check out wearenotsam.com
Thank you for tuning in. To help spread this content, please rate, subscribe and share!

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Charles Eisenstein is an American author and public speaker who examines the unspoken narratives that direct our society and our lives. His work covers a wide range of topics, including the history of human civilisation, economics, spirituality, and the ecology movement. Key themes explored include anti-consumerism, interdependence, and how myth and narrative influence culture. Eisenstein graduated from Yale University with a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy. He lived in Taiwan for nine years, where he became fluent in Mandarin Chinese and worked as a translator. He married there, had children, and later returned to the United States. The Ascent of Humanity, which was published in 2007, became his first commercially successful book, launching his writing career. Eisenstein has since written many books including The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible and Sacred Economics. His newest book, The Coronation, was released in the summer of 2022.
Get ready for a philosophical and enlightening conversation that will leave you in deep contemplation, reverence, awe and wonder. Charles unpacks why you cannot fundamentally change one thing, without changing everything else. We explore the power of human imagination. AI may simplify a lot of what we already know but it can never create from a place of consciousness, emotion or soul. We explore ‘interbeing’ and why this underpins all his writings, the contrasts between the systems of sovereignty and authority, our willingness to participate in change, the feeling of readiness that is growing in each of us and how we offer it trust, parallel societies currently in motion, the biggest gifts over the last few years, the out-dated paradigm of rewards and punishments. Charles addresses what technology substitutes in our lives, the limitations and purposes of AI and why we know a world of beauty is within our reach. There are just some things that technology can never replace and my goodness does Charles paint that picture well, you don’t want to miss this!
Show notes
3:40 – Being in the world through the lens of inter-being – the more we expand our relationships, the more whole we feel
Interbeing: transitioning from competitive and controlling separateness to a relationship with self, each other and the world. To know what is happening in the world is happening to us
12:00 – Relaxing the part of you that want to know “how” to do life
13:00 – Authoritarianism: Rewards and Punishments – why this system of control is on its way out
25:00 –The AI promise: virtual reality will become superior to regular reality because it’s programmable…but we’re bumping up against the limitations of that.
26:00 –Addiction to the artificial: the object of addiction e.g social media does not meet the need that drives the addiction such as love, physical connection, or intimacy.
32:00 – The limitations of A.I and the biases built into them, just like Wikipedia today
38:00 – Rather than looking at Technology as good or evil, the question is what is for, what does it serve? Imagine technology being used to make the government transparent to the people?
41:00 – Why you cannot fundamentally change one thing, without changing everything else. Are you “ready” to participate in change?
54:00 – How do we educate our kids into a society that doesn’t exist yet?
59:40 – The greatest act of service is to uplift this world. How do we know that something more beautiful than what exists is possible?
1:02:0- – Children are the vehicle of life to continue and they keep us honest and brave
1:03:00 – Why nobody is buying the story and promise of a Techno Utopia
Snippets of this interview:
To follow and find out more about Charles Eisenstein's work, please visit:
For the last 15 years, founder of We Are Not SAM and The We Know Show host, Rinat Strahlhofer has been using Orgone Effects Australia as well as family and friends and have experienced incredible results. She recommends and trusts these products implicitly.
“The most efficient way to neutralize the harmful effects of EMS (Electromagnetic Stress) in the human meridian system is to employ EMF Harmonizing solutions”
- Gerard Bini (Founder of Orgone Effects)
How do the products work?
Orgone Effects EMF Harmonizing Solutions help to produce a negative charge resonance, this helps to balance your frequency so that it is as close to nature as possible. Having the correct negative charge frequencies is vitally important in balancing out the positive charge resonance from any surrounding electromagnetic fields in order to neutralise any harmful electromagnetic stress on the human body and the meridian system.
You can learn more about their products and purchase here.
We’re very happy to be able to provide a special discount for our WANS audience. Get 10% off the entire Orgone Effects Australia range using discount code WANS10.
We invite you to use our link https://www.luminousrevolution.com/wans.html to watch 18 incredible classes by world renowned guest speaker Luminous Education video series! The small kick back from purchasing will go towards supporting the We Are Not SAM campaign, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you.
Luminous Education Revolution is a video series program, where Dr. Edith is joined by world-class speakers including Charles Eisenstein, Mas Sajady, Matías De Stefano, Penny Kelly, Dr. Barre Paul Lando, Gabriel Miguel, Dr. Peter Gray, Dayna Martin, and more, to bring profound depth and wisdom in a format that goes far beyond homeschooling, or unschooling. This program allows us to let go of the archaic paradigm and discover our natural intelligence and brilliance, exploring the deeper essence of who we are as human beings. It encourages a more natural, joyful and fulfilling way to nurture your kids AND yourself. The best of holistic education, homeschooling, unschooling, self-directed learning, awakened parenthood, plus ancient memories, future vision, and holistic family life.
By using our link above you'll be supporting our show, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you.
For more info on how to stay human in a technology obsessed world, check out We Are Not SAM https://wearenotsam.com/ and join up to the mailing list for special offers.
Join the conversation @wearenotsam on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wearenotsam/ & Telegram https://t.me/wearenotsam
Thank you for tuning in. To help spread this content, please rate, subscribe, donate and share!

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan is a teacher of consciousness and human potential, a Holistic Chinese Medicine Doctor, author, speaker, coach, and mama of two Luminous Kids. Her journey began in 2003 after a series of meditation-induced mystical experiences that changed her perception of human possibilities forever. Since then, she has devoted her life to unlocking the secrets to our Human Potential. Her work weaves together ancient wisdom with the new science of consciousness, medicine, and spirituality.
Dr. Edith's first book SuperWellness features a foreword by Wim Hof and offers a powerful distillation of her first 15 years of clinical experience. Her upcoming 2nd book "Luminous Kids, Luminous Education" explores humanity's transition into the new paradigm of awakened living - with a focus on children, education, parenthood, and family life. It draws inspiration from her personal journey of conscious conception, home birth, child-led self-directed education, homeschooling, unschooling, community building, and holistic family life. It aims to spark a new conversation about our evolution in consciousness as a human family.
Dr. Edith’s academic background includes a Doctoral Degree from Five Branches University in Endocrinology & Neuromuscular Medicine, a 4-year graduate degree from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a Bachelors with Magna Cum Laude in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University.
In 2021, Dr. Edith launched the Luminous Education Revolution
http://www.luminousrevolution.com/ program, supporting families in transitioning into the new paradigm of education, homeschooling/unschooling, village building, and awakened parenthood. Through her writings, coaching, workshops and seminars, Dr. Edith helps thought-leaders and change makers become masters of their Energy and Life, so that they can lead and serve at the highest levels.
Having gone through a series of mystical experiences has helped our guest, Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan, as a writer, speaker, coach, transformational retreat creator, and mother. In this episode, we start with questioning “Who am I, Why Am I Here?” lead Dr. Edith to the new paradigm of Luminous Education, a huge leap of faith to break-free from programming to follow orders and instead to truly uncover what it takes for our kids to learn the skills to do life. Edith asks us who would we be if we weren’t so afraid of mistakes. She expands on the ways the status quo educational system is conditioning our children into helplessness through manipulation of rewards and punishment, shame and approval, a form of domestication to please. The good news: the industrial education model is crumbling, and we are entering a new paradigm in the culture of education. We explore the conversation Dr. Edith had with her son before conception and the wave of baby spirits coming to blanket the world in light. This interview is one of the best and most important interviews of our time reminding us to create a world worthy of our children. You do not want to miss this passionate, awe-inspiring conversation of what it takes to live a life that is fully lived.
Show Notes:
2:20 – Questioning “Who am I, Why Am I Here?” lead Edith to the new paradigm of Luminous Education
7:00 – Moving from separation to inter-being
10:30 – Community, The Individual, Education, Technology - you cannot fundamentally change one thing, without changing everything else
12:40 – Six Phases of Transitioning to Luminous Education (don’t miss this).
25:00 – Parents are unschooling: a huge leap of faith to break programming to follow orders
34:00 – How do we teach our kids to discover they are the authority of their own learning journey?
37:10 – The conversation Dr Edith had with her son before conception and the wave of baby spirits coming to blanket the world in light.
50.02 –Dr Edith’s parenting shake up: education system is conditioning our children to helplessness through manipulation of rewards and punishment, shame + approval, a form of domestication to please.
54:00 – Children have an internal magnetism that guides self-directed learning which requires our own authenticity, authority and community
1:03:00 – How do we give a child what he/she needs to develop into a full member of society- passionate teachers, knowledge, skill, values?
1:05:00 – Tears! Tears! Luminous Education:18 classes that will give you emotional flashbacks to your own childhood and flashforwards to the future.
1:08:00 – Who would we be if we weren’t so afraid of mistakes? Hint: our fear of making mistakes turns our whole life into a mistake
1:18:30 Breaking free from old programming creates a field effect. Wow!
1:25:30 – Creating a world worthy of our children
We invite you to use our link https://www.luminousrevolution.com/wans.html to watch 18 incredible classes by world renowned guest speaker Luminous Education video series! The small kick back from purchasing will go towards supporting the We Are Not SAM campaign, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you.
Luminous Education Revolution is a video series program, where Dr. Edith is joined by world-class speakers including Charles Eisenstein, Mas Sajady, Matías De Stefano, Penny Kelly, Dr. Barre Paul Lando, Gabriel Miguel, Dr. Peter Gray, Dayna Martin, and more, to bring profound depth and wisdom in a format that goes far beyond homeschooling, or unschooling. This program allows us to let go of the archaic paradigm and discover our natural intelligence and brilliance, exploring the deeper essence of who we are as human beings. It encourages a more natural, joyful and fulfilling way to nurture your kids AND yourself. The best of holistic education, homeschooling, unschooling, self-directed learning, awakened parenthood, plus ancient memories, future vision, and holistic family life.
To follow and find out more about Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan’s work, please visit:
Luminous education & parenting: www.LuminousRevolution.com/WANS
Edith’s personal website (Consciousness & Human Potential coach) www.DrEdithUbuntu.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dredithubuntu
Telegram: https://t.me/DrEdithUbuntu
For our EMF savvy fans, check out Defender Shield https://www.defendershield.com/?ref=wearenotsam for the EarBud AirTube Headphones mentioned in this podcast. These are the headphones our show host Rinat uses, and recommends to family and friends. By using our link above you'll be supporting our show, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you. In future we will be including discount codes and special offers for this product. Even at full retail price, Defender Shield Earbud AirTube are around half the cost of (Apple) AirPods and safer! And when they’re on sale, which they are right now, you’ll get them for even less.
For more info on how to stay human in a technology obsessed world, check out We Are Not SAM https://wearenotsam.com/ and join up to the mailing list for special offers.
Watch this interview also on:
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-we-know-show/id1577659420
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4O8dqc1oZZ0qmXSi3tFVb1
Podbean: https://weknowshow.podbean.com/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheWeKnowShow
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@theweknowshow
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Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan is a teacher of consciousness and human potential, a Holistic Chinese Medicine Doctor, author, speaker, coach, and mama of two Luminous Kids. Her journey began in 2003 after a series of meditation-induced mystical experiences that changed her perception of human possibilities forever. Since then, she has devoted her life to unlocking the secrets to our Human Potential. Her work weaves together ancient wisdom with the new science of consciousness, medicine, and spirituality.
Dr. Edith’s academic background includes a Doctoral Degree from Five Branches University in Endocrinology & Neuromuscular Medicine, a 4-year graduate degree from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a Bachelors with Magna Cum Laude in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University.
Dr. Edith's first book SuperWellness features a foreword by Wim Hof and offers a powerful distillation of her first 15 years of clinical experience. Her upcoming 2nd book "Luminous Kids, Luminous Education" explores humanity's transition into the new paradigm of awakened living - with a focus on children, education, parenthood, and family life. It draws inspiration from her personal journey of conscious conception, home birth, child-led self-directed education, homeschooling, unschooling, community building, and holistic family life. It aims to spark a new conversation about our evolution in consciousness as a human family. In 2021, Dr. Edith launched the Luminous Education Revolution program, supporting families in transitioning into the new paradigm of education, homeschooling/unschooling, village building, and awakened parenthood. Through her writings, coaching, workshops and seminars, Dr. Edith helps thought-leaders and change makers become masters of their Energy and Life, so that they can lead and serve at the highest levels.
Having gone through a series of mystical experiences has helped our guest, Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan, as a writer, speaker, coach, transformational retreat creator, and mother. In this episode, we unpack why we exist for these transformational times, the exhilarating and unifying feeling of finding fellow truth-seekers over the last few years and why Edith believes the darkness is coming to light and it’s Showtime. We are participating in the collapse of old systems and building the new -and yes it’s intense but it’s also beautiful. We also hear about Edith's moment of wholeness during a qigong practice and the way this catalysed her to recalibrate her life, and address escapism. She expands on her time at a dark room meditation retreat, and the deep connection she cultivated with her intuition. Throughout the conversation, Edith radiates extraordinary love and displays kindness, knowing that it is our dharma to be inspired by the discomfort of life’s inversions and bring it back into harmony with natural law. Our children are key to that evolution, and they sense the energy consciousness and intention behind what we say and do, especially what we do next. To hear more, and feel the goosebumps, be sure to tune in to the full episode!
Show Notes:
4:45 – You were called to be here, and it’s Showtime!
7:45 – Edith's moment of wholeness during a qigong practice and the way this catalysed her to recalibrate her life, and address escapism
17:15 – It is our dharma to be inspired by the discomfort of life’s inversions and bring it back into harmony with natural law
18:00 – Tension is the fuel and inspiration that guides our compass towards which direction to focus our action and activism
27:15 – Children sense the energy consciousness and intention behind what you say and do
31:30 – Having love in your heart while you say No!
37:50 – In Chinese the word crisis means ‘dangerous opportunity’
40:50 – Anti-life agendas will self-destruct
42:50 – People are about to walk away from governance and school “indoctrination” systems on mass.
54:30 – Dark room meditation retreat: the origins of cultivating connection with your intuition
1:20:00 – Inner dimensions of the Luminous Education revolution project
Snippet from the interview:
The Challenge: Radiating Nature’s Wisdom In The Tech World
We invite you to use our link https://www.luminousrevolution.com/wans.html to watch 18 incredible classes by world renowned guest speaker Luminous Education video series! The small kick back from purchasing will go towards supporting the We Are Not SAM campaign, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you.
Luminous Education Revolution is a video series program, where Dr. Edith is joined by world-class speakers including Charles Eisenstein, Mas Sajady, Matías De Stefano, Penny Kelly, Dr. Barre Paul Lando, Gabriel Miguel, Dr. Peter Gray, Dayna Martin, and more, to bring profound depth and wisdom in a format that goes far beyond homeschooling, or unschooling. This program allows us to let go of the archaic paradigm and discover our natural intelligence and brilliance, exploring the deeper essence of who we are as human beings. It encourages a more natural, joyful and fulfilling way to nurture your kids AND yourself. The best of holistic education, homeschooling, unschooling, self-directed learning, awakened parenthood, plus ancient memories, future vision, and holistic family life.
To follow and find out more about Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan’s work, please visit:
Luminous education & parenting: www.LuminousRevolution.com/WANS
Edith’s personal website (Consciousness & Human Potential coach) www.DrEdithUbuntu.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dredithubuntu
Telegram: https://t.me/DrEdithUbuntu
For our EMF savvy fans, check out Defender Shield https://www.defendershield.com/?ref=wearenotsam for the EarBud AirTube Headphones mentioned in this podcast. These are the headphones our show host Rinat uses, and recommends to family and friends. By using our link above you'll be supporting our show, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you. In future we will be including discount codes and special offers for this product. Even at full retail price, Defender Shield Earbud AirTube are around half the cost of (Apple) AirPods and safer! And when they’re on sale, which they are right now, you’ll get them for even less.
For more info on how to stay human in a technology obsessed world, check out We Are Not SAM https://wearenotsam.com/ and join up to the mailing list for special offers.
Join the conversation on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wearenotsam/ & Telegram https://t.me/wearenotsam
Thank you for tuning in. To help spread this content, please rate, subscribe and share!

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Keeping your lights on for humanity with guest Dr. Christiane Northrup | Episode 17
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
In this episode of The We Know Show, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Christiane Northrup. Christiane Northrup, M.D., is visionary pioneer in women’s health, a board-certified OB/GYN, and New York Times bestselling author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age as well as the host of 8 highly successful public-television specials. Her work has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, Rachael Ray, Good Morning America, 20/20, and The Dr. Oz Show, among many others. Dr. Northrup was named one of the “100 Most Trusted People in America” by Reader’s Digest (2013), and one of Oprah Winfrey’s “Super Soul 100”, a group of leaders who are using their voices and talent to awaken humanity (2016). Dr. Northrup has also been named one of the “Watkins Spiritual 100”, a list of living people that make a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale. Her decades of work has helped transform women’s understanding of their sacred bodies and processes helping women thrive at every stage of life.
Dr. Northrup, a rock that has withstood enough pressure and time to become a spectacular diamond. Here she shares her wealth of wisdom and a new paradigm perspective on everything from the president listing her in the disinformation dozen, why the tinfoil hat is not big enough to cover the whole conspiracy territory, how to outwit the devil, why asymptomatic transmission does not exist, how the feminist movement of the 60s and 70s screwed the sacred feminine, why we shouldn’t invest in anything with the words Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in it- aka The Great Reset, how the trans agenda has infiltrated OB/GYN literature, why speaking your truth and keeping your frequency high is keeping the lights on for humanity, plus so much more. Get ready, you are about to get a high dose of truth, empowerment, goosebumps and laughter. You do not want to miss this!
Show Notes:
7:15 – My proudest credential: the president listing me in the disinformation dozen.
8:20 – Psy-op tactics of gaslighting and dodging energy vampires
11: 45 – Loyalty to a mainstream narrative vs loyalty to the truth and saving lives. Pick one.
12:40 – 40 year career questioning the mainstream Rockefeller medicine
14:00 – The instinct to be under my own jurisdiction and not renew my medical license in 2015
17:05 – Why the tinfoil hat is not big enough to cover the whole conspiracy territory
22:25 – Evil exists: how to think positive and outwit the devil
27:00 – Speaking your truth + keeping your frequency high is keeping the lights on for humanity
29:00 – Bill Gates plans to help you order AI babies from Amazon
33:00 – Asymptomatic transmission does not exist
37:15 – Necessary Tension is birthing the next era
41: 00 – Overcoming cognitive dissonance: people taking down their BLM, Ukraine, Get the Quack signs
47:00 – The battle for the souls of humanity is being fought in healthcare
48:00 – Lessons learned from one man’s Near Death Experience
52:15 – No more excuses: what’s the most gangster skill you can contribute to your local tribe.
55:00 – Don’t invest in anything with the words Diversity, Equity and Inclusion aka The Great Reset
1:05:55 – The feminist movement in the 60s and 70s screwed the sacred feminine
1:12:15 – Hot flash treatment in trans women? Men can be women has infiltrated OB/GYN literature
1:15:30 –Women hold the moral fiber of the community, Men protect and serve
1:25:00 – What is a life that is fully lived?
Dr. Northrup continues to inspire and awaken humanity through live events, her website DrNorthup.com, social media presence on Facebook/Meta, Twitter, Telegram, True North on Substack, Instagram and through her line of health and personal care products, Amata Life.
For our EMF savvy fans, check out DefenderShield https://defendershield.com/?ref=wearenotsam for the EarBud AirTube Headphones. These are the headphones our show host Rinat uses, and recommends to family and friends. By using our link above you'll be supporting our show, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you. In future we will be including discount codes and special offers for this product. Even at full retail price, Defender Shield Earbud AirTube are around half the cost of (Apple) AirPods and safer! And when they’re on sale, which they are right now, you’ll get them for even less. For more info on how to stay human in a technology obsessed world, check out www.wearenotsam.com and join up to the mailing list for special offers.
Join the conversation:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearenotsam
Telegram: https://t.me/wearenotsam
Where to subscribe to this podcast:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@theweknowshow
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-768103
Podbean: https://weknowshow.podbean.com
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-we-know-show/id1577659420?at=1l3vwYf
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4O8dqc1oZZ0qmXSi3tFVb1
For more info on how to stay human in a technology-obsessed world, check out wearenotsam.com
Thank you for tuning in. To help spread this content, please rate, subscribe and share!

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
In this episode of The We Know Show, we had the pleasure of speaking with Joseph Yi MD. Dr. Joseph Yi is a Board-Certified Addiction Psychiatrist who specializes in Holistic Psychiatry and Detoxification. After graduation from medical school, Dr Yi went on to do his psychiatry residency at the Cooper University Hospital. It was there at the heart of Camden, NJ where he learned to treat some of the most challenging cases of psychiatric, addiction and detox patients. As a resident physician, he apprenticed under Dr. Joel Fuhrman, on nutritional therapy for mental health treatment, and worked at several dual diagnosis facilities (mental health and substance abuse).
Since starting his solo private practice in 2009, Dr Yi has helped patients throughout Bucks County, PA overcome their dependency to opiates, alcohol, and other substances through his Modern Detox Program, which provides an individualized tapering plan on an outpatient basis, as an alternative to going into an inpatient facility for treatment. He integrates motivational counseling, nutritional therapy, exercise, science, yoga and spirituality.
What does it mean to be living on the edge of life? This interview will take you there! Joseph is truly a powerhouse. Here he shares his wealth of knowledge and a new paradigm perspective on everything from tech addiction and its impact on our mental health, what’s wrong with the term “think positive”, why fear and outrage content is addictive, how a divided class will exist: those who will let the chips fall and those who won’t, Elon Musk and Kanye theatrics, Jo’s 80/20 rule of raising people’s vibrations (80%) and calling out the BS (20%) – and why 2023 is about paying attention to those offering solutions, plus so much more. Sit back and enjoy the truth, laughter and be inspired.
Show Notes
5:30 – Why medical school was an extreme discomfort
7:30 – Music and addiction - finding purpose and meaning in mental health
8:50 – What’s wrong with the term “think positive”?
14:20 – The greatest act of Agenda 2030 - rebellion to a healthy body, mind and spirit
15:00 – Dr Jo’s 80/20 rule: call out the BS (20%), raise people’s vibrations (80%)
20:20 – There are people in the Truth movement draining your energy. 2023 is about paying attention to those offering solutions.
33:05 – Clinical observation 1: diminished life force by staring at screens too much
34:00 – Clinical observation 2: increased anxiety in kids, lack of social intelligence due to screens
37:04 – Is it harder to get off prescription drugs or get off devices?
39:30 – Why fear and outrage content is addictive
42:00 – Elon Musk theatrics
44:05 – How to find meaning in stress, addiction and anxiety
48:30 – The lesson: to raise our own frequencies
55:37 – Only takes 3.5% to change culture
57:24 – Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence. Pick one.
1:02:50 – A divided class will exist: those who will let the chips fall and those who won’t
1:10.00 – Why true sovereignty is about answering your calling
1:14.00 – Create memories with the people you love everyday
To follow and find out more about Dr Joseph Yi’s work, please visit:
Beyond Recovery: https://beyondrecovery.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yojimd
Telegram: https://t.me/StreetMD
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@beyondrecovery
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drjosephyi
For our EMF savvy fans, check out DefenderShield https://defendershield.com/?ref=wearenotsam for the EarBud AirTube Headphones. These are the headphones our show host Rinat uses, and recommends to family and friends. By using our link above you'll be supporting our show, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you. In future we will be including discount codes and special offers for this product. Even at full retail price, Defender Shield Earbud AirTube are around half the cost of (Apple) AirPods and safer! And when they’re on sale, which they are right now, you’ll get them for even less. For more info on how to stay human in a technology obsessed world, check out www.wearenotsam.com and join up to the mailing list for special offers.
Join the conversation:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearenotsam
Telegram: https://t.me/wearenotsam
Where to subscribe to this podcast:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@theweknowshow
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-768103
Podbean: https://weknowshow.podbean.com
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-we-know-show/id1577659420?at=1l3vwYf
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4O8dqc1oZZ0qmXSi3tFVb1
For more info on how to stay human in a technology-obsessed world, check out wearenotsam.com
Thank you for tuning in. To help spread this content, please rate, subscribe and share!

Friday Dec 16, 2022
Outsmarting wireless radiation with guest Prof. Olle Johansson | Episode 15
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Introducing Professor Olle Johansson, a neuroscientist, retired from the world-famous Karolinska Institute, and the equally famous Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, both with their close associations to the Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine, Chemistry and Physics. Professor Olle Johansson was head of The Experimental Dermatology Unit in the Department of Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute. He is known as a world-leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and its health effects. Among his many achievements he coined the term ”screen dermatitis” which later on was developed into the functional impairment electro-hypersensitivity, a recognition mainly due to his work.
He has published more than 800 original articles, reviews, book chapters and conference reports within the field of basic and applied neuroscience, dermatoscience, epidemiology, and biophysiology. He is one of the highest authorities in the world when it comes to the effects of electromagnetic fields on health with over 45 years of research under his belt.
This was a fascinating interview with Olle, a trailblazing and brave EMF independent scientist. We spoke about the number one threat to mankind – antibiotic resistance and the impact of EMF on our bees, how they keep us alive and why our phones may be slowly killing them, research flaws in the methodology of WiFi safety testing in schools, the research that suggests wearable tech is turning us into a dumbed-down Martians, and why the future of technology rests in the hands of humanity, not the tech companies + more.
Show Notes
2:19 - The top health risks from wireless radiation families need to know about
4:35 - #1 threats to mankind - antibiotic resistance in healthcare
5:00 - What is antibiotic resistance and why it matters?
13:37 - Why measuring the WiFi reading of 20 empty classrooms is absolute madness as the benchmark of safety
17:00 - Having the guts to live in reality, rather that on the internet
23:00 - How safe are our gadgets? Impact of EMF on sperm cells and fertility (by 2050 most men and women will need assisted fertilisation to get pregnant)
29:48 - The impact of EMF on our bee colony is off the charts
35:02 - An optimistic perspective on transhumanism – people don’t want it!
46:11 - Can you see that our bee colonies are disappearing?
53:25 - Results are in, Research shows that wearable tech is dumbing you down.
57:00 - Why replicating studies is required but not happening in the field of EMF
Recommendations from Olle regarding WiFi in schools
"In conclusion, contrary to the assurances implied by Karipidis et al., existing scientific evidence clearly indicates that there are potential health risks for students and staff from microwave RF-EMR exposure levels found at schools from internal and external wireless infrastructure. ARPANSA should immediately recommend that schools use wired Internet instead of WiFi as several responsible government agencies in other parts of the world have already done to reduce exposure of children, a sensitive population that need particular protection."
Click below to read the letter to the editor that questions the flaws in the research paper that is used to measure WiFi safety in school.
Bandara P, Johansson O, “Comment on exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from Wi-Fi in Australian schools”, Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2018; 178: 288-291*
Olle’s research will further improve our understanding of how and why electromagnetic fields are harming humans, other animals, plants and bacteria. To support Olle’s research click here: https://research.radiation.dk/
For our EMF savvy fans, check out DefenderShield https://defendershield.com/?ref=wearenotsam for the EarBud AirTube Headphones. These are the headphones our show host Rinat uses, and recommends to family and friends. By using our link above you'll be supporting our show, continuing to spread the Safe Technology message. And there’s no extra cost to you. In future we will be including discount codes and special offers for this product. Even at full retail price, Defender Shield Earbud AirTube are around half the cost of (Apple) AirPods and safer! And when they’re on sale, which they are right now, you’ll get them for even less. For more info on how to stay human in a technology obsessed world, check out We Are Not SAM wearenotsam.com and join up to the mailing list for special offers.
Join the conversation:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearenotsam
Telegram: https://t.me/wearenotsam
Where to subscribe to this podcast:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@theweknowshow
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-768103
Podbean: https://weknowshow.podbean.com
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-we-know-show/id1577659420?at=1l3vwYf
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4O8dqc1oZZ0qmXSi3tFVb1
For more info on how to stay human in a technology-obsessed world, check out wearenotsam.com
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